Violence Prevention Programs.
Violence Prevention Programs.
Resources to Eliminate Violence Involving Values in Education (REVIVE) project is committed to encouraging students to “REVIVE” a commitment to violence prevention in schools and their surrounding communities throughout the Metropolitan Atlanta area. The objective is to provide violence prevention training to middle and high school students and mental awareness to teachers.
Peace Project is a restorative justice program held at a middle schools for high risk youth and/or those suspended for violent behaviors. The project provides training and services in social emotional learning conflict resolution, peer mediation, stress management and peace education. Training is also provided for school personnel and parents. The program is governed by a community coalition.
The SIMBA Program offers incarcerated youth, juveniles on probation, students, and high-risk youth, ages 9-17, classes in gang prevention, stress management, violence prevention, mental health, character education, vocational development, African-American history, HIV/AIDS, health and creative arts. Programming is also designed to offer gender specific workshops.