stop uad Program.
The STOP program goal is to reduce and prevent the onset of underage drinking for males and females, ages 12 – 20, by providing educational workshops for youth, organizing community campaigns and activities. The program also seeks to strengthen and enhance intergovernmental cooperation and coordination of underage drinking initiatives. A coalition consisting of citizens and representatives from various sectors of the community convene to create a Underage Drinking Action Plan and provide program guidance.
Goal I: Reduce and prevent the onset of underage drinking for males and females, ages 12-20 in the catchment area of Newnan, Georgia, zip codes 30263, 30264 and 30265.
Objective 1: By December 2019, the coalition will have convened citizens and representatives from various sectors of the community to update STOP UAD Coalition Action Plan to reduce and prevent the onset of underage drinking for youth and young adults in Newnan.
Objective 2: By the end of each year, the STOP UAD Coalition will have conducted quarterly activities/events, including Town Hall meetings, for the citizens, governmental organizations and sectors of the community to foster long-term substance abuse reduction commitments.
Objective 3: By the end of each year, the STOP UAD program will have reached 250 unduplicated (1000 over four years) youth and young adults, ages12 to 20, SA prevention direct services and action plan strategies.
Objective 4: Each year, STOP UAD Coalition will have disseminated twelve (12) state-of-the-art best practices, initiatives, resources, and prevention messages to 1000 (4000 over four years) youth and young adults, community members and local government agencies.
Goal II: To strengthen and enhance intergovernmental cooperation and coordination in order to reduce underage drinking for youth and young adults, ages 12 – 20 in the catchment area in of Newnan.
Objective 5: By the end of each year, STOP UAD Coalition will have conducted two (2) coalition intergovernmental workgroup meetings for Newnan to enhance intergovernmental coordination efforts to reduce underage drinking in the catchment areas.
Objective 6: By the end of each year, intergovernmental workgroup will participate in two (2) STOP UAD Coalition activities in Newnan and surrounding communities to increase government and community collaboration.
Our Objectives
project outcomes
The STOP Program staff was able to recruit Coalition members that represent different segments of the community.
The STOP Program was able to convene an Intergovernmental Workgroup group. It is critical for the success of the STOP Program to have input and buy in from members of the local government community.
The STOP Program had a total of two-hundred and eighty-nine students enrolled classes.