reach Program.
The Reaching and Educating Adolescents to Improve Comprehensive Health (REACH) Project aims to promote sexual risk avoidance education that teaches participants how to voluntarily abstain from non-marital sexual activity and teaches them the benefits associated with self-regulation, success sequencing for poverty prevention, healthy relationships, goal setting, and resisting sexual coercion, dating violence, and preventing youth risk behaviors such as underage drinking.
70% of 350 participants with 75% of program services
70% of 350 participants will indicate a delay and a desire to delay/refrain from sexual activity
70% or 350 participants will significantly unapproved the normalizing of teen sexual activity and other risky behaviors
70% of 350 participants report being able to implement SRAE and YD skills
Recruit and train 10 participants as SRAE Youth Peer Counselors to develop creative community service projects
Our Objectives
Trained over 60+ peer educator, including MLB First Round Pick Termarr Johnson, currently playing for the Pirates
Over 10+ Hip Hop Lunch and Learn were conducted
Provided numerous counseling sessions for students involving mental health
Provided tutoring for a multitude of students within the APS school district
Conducted two peer leadership trainings