APPEAL Program.
The APPEAL Project is an evidenced based, holistic approach, grounded in the social learning theory that teaches the individual and societal benefits associated with personal responsibility, self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision making, healthy relationships, stress management, returning to a lifestyle without sex and other youth risk behaviors such as underage drinking and illicit drug use without normalizing teen sexual activity.
Principal Objective #1: Provide 70% of 400 most vulnerable youth at risk for non-marital sexual activity and other risk behaviors in Fulton County with at least 75% of program services.
Principal Objective #2: Implement referrals and linkages to community support services for youth and parents) and evidenced based approaches aligned with the socioeconomic needs for the success sequence and desired health outcomes for Fulton County’s vulnerable youth at risk for non-marital sexual activity and other risk behaviors.
Principal Objective #3: Have 70% of 400 program participants indicate a delay and a desire to delay/refrain in initiation and a statistically significant difference in their return from sexual activity immediately following teaching of risk avoidance skills through methods that do not normalize teen sexual activity.
Principal Objective #4: Have 70% of 400 the program participants indicate that they are significantly less approving of normalization of teen sexual activity and other risky behaviors immediately following curriculum education.
Principal Objective #5: 70% of 400 program participants annually report being able to implement sexual risk avoidance refusal skills, dating violence/violence skills, and substance abuse avoidance, and self-regulation skills for other at-risk behaviors
Principal Objective 6: Recruit and train SRAE Peer Ambassadors to develop creative community service projects, lunch and learn presentations, Hip Hop cafes and social media campaigns that promote self-regulation, success sequencing; resist illicit drug use and teach dating violence prevention and refusal skills through methods that do not normalize teen sexual activities.
Our Objectives
Over 2000 youth received SRAE programming.
100+ Peer and Youth Council Member since year 1 to present.
Over 35 Site, Health, Safety & Wellbeing Partners.
60+ Guest Speaker Series Sessions provided to SRAE participants and Parents